A group wants to stream videos, with the presenter selecting the movies to watch, controlling the play/pause, and seeking interesting moments. Such a presentation experience is useful for webinars, and education, among others.
We describe how to implement the experience in Laravel with the TALL stack.
These events will be broadcast by the presenter:
Events are broadcast using Laravel Echo Server, Laravel Websockets, or Soketi. Say on a channel streaming
In the participant Livewire component, we define the listeners:
protected $listeners = [
'echo:steaming,VideoChoice' => 'process_video_choice',
'echo:steaming,Play' => 'play',
'echo:streaming,Pause' => 'pause',
'echo:streaming,GoToMoment' => 'process_goto'
Each event is dispatched to the front-end Alpine.js code using dispatchBrowserEvent
For example, for going to a video moment, on the instruction of the presenter,
private function process_goto($data)
$moment = $data['moment];
$this->dispatchBrowserEvent('goto-moment', ['moment' => $moment]);
In Alpine.js, we listen to events from Livewire and then:
For example, for going to a moment and for switching videos,
<video x-ref="video"
x-data="{ play: false }"
@goto-moment.window="$ = event.detail.moment"
@video-choice.window="$ = event.detail.video_file_path; $;"
A web page with a list of videos and a video player.
For simplicity, assume the presenter has on the web page an HTML video
Play and pause on the video element are sent from Alpine.js using,
and when going to some moment in the video,
Livewire.emit('seek', { 'moment': $ });
To be processed in Livewire, in a listener,
protected $listeners = ['seek' => 'process_seek'];
public function process_seek($data)
$moment = $payload['moment'];
Yoram Kornatzky