If you are a solopreneur or SMB, you are not aiming for a big scale. You cannot afford well-known but costly development environments.
It is a challenge that I encountered repeatedly as a freelance consultant. Build it and ship it without overbuilding.Here is the method that I usually use.
Think of the complete development process as a two-dimensional plane.
On the horizontal axis, we have the different phases of the evolution of the web application. This is a timeline of phases that it goes through.
The vertical time axis is the computing environment you will use.
Of course, the production phase of development will be broken into multiple sub-phases.
In the action events platform I am building, we start with notifications via email. Later we will add notifications through SMS.
Each phase has to go through these environments,
The reason for going through this sequence is that we need to test things before we release them.
We start with local development but must move to the cloud to demo anything.
We design the production web application in a most general form. Then we define a subset within the general framework for the collection and the forthcoming phase.
As we would like the collection and forthcoming phases to have the production look and feel, we work by working backward by focusing on the navigation bar and the home page.
A navigation bar with all pages that will be in production. We expose more and more pages as we proceed through the phases.
The collection and forthcoming pages have the general look and feel but with an email collection form only. To build a mailing list.
In the production phase, we move to a real home page.
If any other page appears in the collection or forthcoming phase, structure it to represent the corresponding content for that phase if different from the production phase.
With this approach, you construct one web application for all the phases you encounter.
Thereby you get a uniform look and feel, with a single simple timeline for development, for all phases.
Yoram Kornatzky